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24. April 2023

At the end of 2022, the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) of the Republic of Ghana launched Austrian State Printing Houses’ (OSD) “Shelter” solution as “MyNHIS” application for all citizens of Ghana. Offering a simple way to access the national […]

19. October 2022

On Wednesday, 19 October, Florian Tursky, State Secretary for Digitisation and Broadband Expansion, and Gerhard Karner, Federal Minister of the Interior, officially presented the digital driving licence for the Republic of Austria at a press conference. Specifically, the apps “eAusweise” […]

2. October 2022

The Austrian State Printing House (OSD) has been awarded the contract for the production of the new biometric security passport for the Principality of Andorra together with its partner company Pangea. The Vienna-based high-security company OSD will also implement a […]

28. April 2022

Even the global COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years has not stopped the continued interest in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is increasingly becoming an investment object for many small investors. So far, the step into the crypto world has not been […]

5. April 2022

In April there are two innovations in the Austrian passport family: the emergency passport has a completely revised design including a new cover. The passport gets a new, additional security feature called “laser image perforation”. Emergency passport: Available in case […]

23. March 2022

For the Austrian State Printing House (OeSD) and its digital subsidiary youniqx Identity AG, the protection of information and personal data always comes first. In the high-security industry in particular, however, the principle applies: Trust is good, control is better. […]