12. April 2021
Even at home: your passport as trustworthy companion
Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, many passports stayed home together with their owners. During this time, many passports reached their respective date of expiry and are no longer valid – often without the knowing of their owners. “Last year, about 1 million passports lost their validity and didn’t get renewed. Due to this, many Austrian citizens don’t possess a valid identity document” says Lukas Praml, CEO of the Austrian State Printing House.
Travel may not be possible during the COVID19 restrictions. But even at home, a valid passport is a trustworthy companion. Especially during official procedures like public authority or legal matters, the personal passport is a trusted way to identify yourself in an easy and official way.
That’s why an eary glance at the date of expiry can save a lot of time and nerves. The personal passport can be renewed in all competent Austrian public authorities, independently of ones place of residence. Due to the current COVID19 restrictions, many public authorities ask for a slot reservation before a passport renewal. Find all infos about the passport renewal process and an easy way to find your next competent public authority at reisepass.oesd.at