Home > News > Consistently since 2009: OeSD recognized as a “family-friendly employer”

4. February 2022

Consistently since 2009: OeSD recognized as a “family-friendly employer”

Since 2009, the Austrian State Printing House (OSD) has consistently focused on the best possible work-life balance for all employees. “To find out just how important this topic is, a short conversation with parents or people who are currently providing care for their loved ones is often enough,” emphasizes OSD Managing Director Helmut Lackner.

Finding balance between family and work

Beruf und Familie sind in der OeSD vereinbarFor more than 10 years, the OeSD has been clearly committed to family-friendly corporate management and a good balance between employee and employer interests. “For us at the OSD, appreciation and team spirit are key factors for mutual success. The appreciation of the personal work-life balance and the private time with one’s own family is therefore important to us,” Lackner continues. Therefore, Lackner is very pleased about the renewed award as a “family-friendly employer”.


Audit “Beruf und Familie”

Guetesiegel Familienfreundlicher Arbeitgeber The internal “Audit Work and Family” (“Audit Beruf und Familie”), which has existed since 2009, consists of employees from across the company. In workshops, the audit participants work out individual measures for the needs of all those involved, the planning and implementation of which is checked by external experts from the auditor “Familie & Beruf Management GmbH”. In line with the company’s own OSD employer brand “Expect More – More Wertschätzung. More Teamgeist”, the Austrian State Printing House is making a further statement for the appreciation of the personal work-life balance of all employees with the certification it has received as a family-friendly employer.