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2. October 2022

Austrian State Printing House wins contract for the Principality of Andorra’s e-passport

The Austrian State Printing House (OSD) has been awarded the contract for the production of the new biometric security passport for the Principality of Andorra together with its partner company Pangea. The Vienna-based high-security company OSD will also implement a fully comprehensive ID management solution that includes citizen enrolment, personalization of security documents and a public key infrastructure, all of which will be integrated into the existing government systems of Andorra.”This success underlines our ambitions in the international identity business. Especially in the area of integrated ID solutions, we are a reliable and efficient partner for government customers,” says Claudia Schwendimann, CEO of OSD International. “From enrolment and PKI solutions to highly secure personalization, we can quickly and flexibly implement a wide range of customer requirements throughout the entire ID process,” Schwendimann continues.

Andorra’s new e-passport meets the latest ICAO requirements and, in addition to biometric security features, includes a polycarbonate data page and a colour photo. The new passport will be rolled out from December 2022 onwards – only 6 months after the initial contract signing.

OSD also looks back on a successful launch in the area of digital identities. In October 2022, the digital driving licence was officially launched in Austria within a digital ID card application for smartphones. The ID card app “eAusweise” was developed by youniqx Identity AG, the in-house digital subsidiary of the Austrian State Printing House. For more information, see: https://www.staatsdruckerei.at/en/allgemein-en/austria-mobile-driving-licence-successfully-launched/